Thursday, March 8, 2012

Still A-Writin'...

It's Lent.

And what does Lent have to do with fan fiction?

Well, I have given up reading fan fiction for Lent. Yep, no reading new fan fiction stories until Easter, except for Sundays (which are not part of Lent).

I'm still pegging away on writing and posting new chapters for Pinned but Fluttering, so no worries there. Promise.

In a way, not reading fan fic stories is helping me to concentrate more on events I want to include in Pinned but Fluttering. So that's a good thing, right? ;)

But it just kills me when a favorite fan fic story's new chapter, such as Nolebucgrl's Words with Friends and Words with Strangers updates. I diligently move it into my "To Be Read" pile and let it wait there until Sundays. It's not easy, but it's a good thing.

So the next chapter of Pinned but Fluttering should be up Sunday. I'm speaking at another women's conference this Saturday, so I doubt I'll have much time to write then. Plus I have a new online class beginning on Monday that I"ll be teaching, a four-week literary analysis class on Louisa May Alcott's Little Women. So I'll be a very busy girl this weekend; I'm just praying that I'll be able to post Chapter 28 in good time.

I did start writing Chapter 28 the other night at 4:00 AM when I thought of how I wanted to start the chapter. The thought hit me while I was brushing my teeth (work kept me up late), so I jotted it in miniscule handwriting on *five* Christmas-themed Post-It Notes; I stuck them into my Creative Journal the following morning. So the ideas are already flowing....

I also have some ideas for additional one-shots, and I'll definitely be writing an Edward POV Outtake for Pinned but Fluttering, hopefully very soon!

Oh, and I must thank Sherryola for her kind recommendation ofPinned but Fluttering on one of her recent chapters of her story Seeing Bella. The number of reviews for my story doubled. Seriously.

 Happy reading and writing,

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